, pub-5112236293636721, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0 Edible Raw Cookie Dough (Egg Free)
Edible Raw Cookie Dough (Egg Free)

Edible Raw Cookie Dough (Egg Free)

UPDATED – After a helpful reader pointed out the potential risks of eating raw flour, please see the note at the bottom of the recipe if you want to bake your flour before using it in the dough. 

Today’s recipe is a bit of a weird one. It’s just cookie dough. 

Edible Raw Cookie Dough

One of the best parts about baking a cake is licking the spoon (and the bowl). Same goes for cookies. I always have to munch some of that raw  dough before it goes in the oven. I’m pretty sure it’s a universal problem – you know you probably shouldn’t eat it, what with all the raw eggs and stuff, but you just can’t help yourself.

Well, problem solved.

Licking the spoon (and the bowl) Edible Raw Cookie Dough

These cookie dough balls you see before you are completely egg-free. This does mean they would make hideous cookies, but instead of baking them you can just gobble them up raw. Bit weird?

Yes. But hear me out.

I’ve got plans for these balls of dough, and it involves stuffing them inside some cupcakes. More on that later. But you could also dip them in some melted dark chocolate and have yourself some cookie dough truffles. Or make some home-made vanilla (or chocolate) ice cream and swirl some of this dough right on in there. Who needs Ben & Jerry.

Edible Raw Cookie Dough – made without eggs so it’s safe to eat without baking!

These cookie dough balls you see before you are completely egg-free Edible Raw Cookie Dough (Egg Free)

The recipe for these edible cookie dough balls is adapted from the double chocolate chip cookies I shared with you back in February. Sans cocoa powder. Those cookies are so fudgy because the dough itself is the thickest dough around, which is exactly what makes it perfect for these edible cookie dough balls. You don’t want them to melt apart in your hands, after all.

It is still best to store these doughy balls in the fridge before you eat them, although they will keep at room temperature – they will just be a bit softer. Still bloody delicious though.

The recipe for these edible cookie dough balls is adapted from the double chocolate chip cookies Edible Raw Cookie Dough (Egg Free)

If you have an amazing cookie recipe that you want to remove the egg from, then a top tip is to add 2-4 tablespoons of milk to the dough for every egg you are looking to replace. The milk will keep the dough balls together, without any risk of salmonella. Because that’s one thing you don’t want to have in your kitchen.

This cookie dough contains no eggs, so is safe to eat raw. Dip dough balls in melted chocolate for some delicious cookie dough truffles.



115g (½ cup) unsalted butter, at room temperature

50g (¼ cup) caster sugar (US granulated sugar)

50g (¼ cup) light or dark brown sugar

3 or 4 tablespoons milk

½ teaspoon vanilla extract

150g (1 cup) plain or all purpose flour – see note below

¼ teaspoon salt

150g (5.3oz or 7/8 cup) milk or semi-sweet chocolate chips
Cream the butter using a stand or hand-mixer until it is pale and all the lumps are gone. Add the two types of sugar to the bowl and mix well.

Add the milk, one tablespoon at a time, mixing well between each addition. Add the vanilla extract and mix again.

Add the flour and salt to the bowl, and mix gently until just combined. Put the chocolate chips in to the bowl and mix gently until well distributed.

The dough can either be rolled into balls (and dipped into melted chocolate), or eaten with a spoon.
To avoid any potential risks with eating raw flour, the flour can be baked beforehand to kill any bacteria. To do this, spread the flour out on a baking sheet and bake in a preheated 180°C / 350°F (160°C fan) oven for 10 minutes. And then use the baked flour in the above recipe.

The cookie dough doesn’t need to be refrigerated – although it will remain firmer if kept in the fridge. It is best to eat the dough within 2-3 days. The dough can also be frozen, for 2-3 months. Just defrost at room temperature.

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