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Blogs & Recipes

Welcome to the sweetest corner of our blog! Charlotte and Cristina Di Crisci are here to take you on a delicious journey through the wonderful world of baking. Whether you’re a novice in the kitchen or a master pastry chef looking for new inspirations, our recipes are so detailed that even sugar will be jealous.

From vanilla cupcakes so fluffy they’d make a cloud weep with envy, to fondant cakes so perfect they deserve a standing ovation, our recipes are designed to satisfy all skill levels and all palates.

For beginners, we have step-by-step guides that demystify baking techniques and ensure results so perfect you’ll feel like the next great TV chef. Imagine mastering pastry cream so smooth you’ll want to use it as a pillow, or creating doughnut dough that would make Homer Simpson shiver with excitement.

For the more advanced bakers, Charlotte and Cristina share their best-kept secrets and recipes so sophisticated you’ll feel like you’re in an episode of «Extreme Baking.» With our suggestions, each sweet creation will become a masterpiece worthy of any pastry showcase.


Cordon Bleu in Red Sauce 1
Cristina Crisci

Cordon Bleu in Red Sauce

Prepare the Chicken Breasts: Place the chicken breasts between two sheets of plastic wrap and pound them with a meat mallet or rolling pin until they are thin and even.Stuff the Chicken Breasts: Season each breast with salt and pepper. Place a slice of ham and cheese in the center

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Mojito Cupcakes
Cristina Crisci

Mojito Cupcakes

Everyone’s favourite cocktail (apart from my wife’s, apparently) in cupcake form! I don’t know about you, but Mojitos just scream summer to me – lots of ice, mint, lime, and a generous helping of rum. Okay, so there might not be any ice in my Mojito Cupcakes, but everything else

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12 Inch Almond Layer Cake
Cristina Crisci

12 Inch Almond Layer Cake

By popular request, here is the recipe for the 12 inch version of my Almond Layer Cake. This is just the recipe for the cake, without frosting, as this is most probably going to be used for a wedding cake, and therefore you’ve probably got your own frosting in mind.  12

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Cristina Crisci

Chocolate Cherry Pie (with Chocolate Pastry Crust)

Apologies for the silence over the past couple of weeks – I’ve been taking some time off this month to celebrate mine and Katie’s 31st birthdays, and as such I just haven’t had the time to get in the kitchen.  But never fear – I’ve managed to tear myself away

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Salted Caramel Granola

Salted Caramel Granola

I’ve got serious granola goals for you today. Totally overbaked salted caramel granola goals. BUT it still tastes good. Easy all-in-one salted caramel, roasted almonds, hazelnuts, and seeds. Oh yeah, and chocolate chips, as always. You can’t have a good breakfast without chocolate. I will live and die by that

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Peanut Butter Sugar Cookies With Easy Royal Icing

Peanut Butter Sugar Cookies With Easy Royal Icing

It’s official – autumn starts right here. I’ve started wearing woolly jumpers, the Christmas shopping has begun. Heck, I’ve even gone and bought a new winter coat. There’s something special about this time of year that just gets me so excited for the next few months of cold crisp weather,

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Cookies And Cream Doughnuts

These cookies and cream doughnuts are so good, that Kate’s colleagues loved them even when they had gone a bit stale. And if that’s not the sign of a good bake, then I don’t know what is. I’ve never made actual proper fried doughnuts before, so this recipe was either going

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Butterbeer Cupcakes

Butterbeer Cupcakes

I managed to drag myself away from this weekend’s Shadowhunters Netflix binge for long enough to bake something special to celebrate my all-time favourite fictional series – Harry Potter. Today is Harry’s (37th?) birthday, so I’m going to be munching one of these Butterbeer Cupcakes later on in his honour. 

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